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Workshop about Information System of Protected Species (SRIS) for members of Lithuanian ornithological society

During the annual meeting, which was organized 21-22 March, a special workshop focusing on the Information System of Protected Species (SRIS) and its opportunities was organized for the LOD members. During this event the project “Data on protected species – for their protection” objectives and the expected results were presented, and participants were invited to take an active role in the implementation of the project while providing data for SRIS. In total 41 person took part in the workshop, some of them already participate in the project and provide data for SRIS, therefore it was an excellent opportunity to discuss practical issues, related to the collection and reporting of data.

Representative of the Ministry of Environment Tomas Tukačiauskas briefly highlighted the aim, structure and content of the SRIS, as well as explained the practical aspects while providing data for the system. Representatives of the project, senior biologist L. Raudonikis and project administrator J. Liaudanskyte, presented aim and objectives of the project underlining the importance of it for the practical conservation of the protected species and habitats. The outcomes of the workshop were summarized in the joint discussion, where the participants shared their experience. During the meeting the requirements for the quality of data were also explained.

Since October 2014 Lithuanian ornithological society is implementing the project “Data on protected species – for their protection” NO. EEE-LT03-AM-01-K-01-002, supported by the EEA grants. The main aim of the project to collect all available, including historical, data about the exact sites of protected species all over the country and to enter the data into the Information System of Protected Species (SRIS). The LOD is planning to provide not less than 12000 records, including 25 % of historical data, e.g. data before 2000.

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